A WOMAN almost three times the drink-drive limit told police she had had a bottle-and-a-half of red wine, a court heard.

Burnley magistrates were told how Caroline Cairns-Thomas, 47, had been stopped by police in the early hours on December 23.

She had been seen leaving a pub car park and was driving in an erratic manner, braking harshly for no apparent reason.

The defendant struggled to negotiate a bend and, when she was later tested, gave a breath sample which revealed 92 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath.

The legal limit is 35.

Cairns-Thomas, of Green Bank, Barnoldswick, admitted drink driving.

She was fined £300, with £60 costs, and was banned for two years. She had no previous convictions.

Glen Smith, defending, said Cairns-Thomas had held a licence since she was 18. She was suffering acute embarassment and shame and had learned a salutory lesson.

The defendant had gone out with her family for a meal, had a glass or two of wine and should have got in her son's taxi.

Her husband had a significant heart problem and Cairns-Thomas did most of the driving.