A BOROUGH'S first estate of factory-built modular homes is nearing completion.

The 73 new family houses in Alaska Street in Blackburn will provide high-quality, comfortable modern homes for families across the borough.

And more of the kit-built properties for affordable rent will follow.

Places for People, working with Blackburn with Darwen Council, have previously built around 260 new homes in the Infirmary Waterside area. The two, three and four-bedroomed houses in Alaska Street complete the larger redevelopment of the Infirmary clearance area.

This development will be closely followed by a scheme of 16 new two and three-bedroomed modular family homes in Shorrock Lane, located on the site of the demolished Laneside Older Person’s Home.

These are being built by Tyson Construction on behalf of Great Places Housing Association and are planned to be ready for occupation later this year.

Cllr Phil Riley, Blackburn with Darwen Council's regeneration boss, said: "It’s fantastic to be moving forward with our plans for increasing affordable housing across the borough.

"These schemes will bring huge benefits to residents, regenerating the area and delivering much-needed additional housing options.

"I’m very excited to see these redevelopments take shape!"