Proud residents have said they're sick to death of 'bone idle' and 'inconsiderate' fly-tippers who deliberately and continuously blight the areas they live in.

Fed-up neighbours in Feniscowles have been expressing their utter disgust after old bike parts and bin bags full of rubbish were dumped on rural land on Brokenstone Road and Stockclough Lane.

The deliberate dumping has been happening for months, according to one resident, but even the presence of CCTV cameras on one of the sites hasn't been enough to deter the fly-tippers.

Tony Parkinson, who took photos of the mess said: "We are so lucky to live in an area like ours but there's always someone inconsiderate who is determined to spoil it.

"The old bicycle parts were dumped on Stockclough Lane, right underneath a sign which says 'smile you're on camera', and the bin bags were dumped at the entrance to the field on Brokenstone Road.

"I've reported it to Blackburn with Darwen Council who say it should be cleared within four working days, although I'm not sure if I'm wasting my time, but it really does annoy me.

"Some of the waste on Stockclough Lane has been there for months.

"I've lived in this area for 40 years, there has been fly tipping previously but not to this extent, there are three laybys on Brokenstone Road and someone dumps rubbish in them every week, including asbestos waste.

"It makes me really angry."

Some residents have said that when the CCTV cameras were first put in place on Stockclough Lane the fly-tipping ceased, however, the presence of such a deterrent only led the culprits to find somewhere else to carry out their dumping.

One resident commented: "When the cameras first went up it did stop the fly-tipping for a while but then they just dump it further up the lane on the entrance to the field or down in the woods.

"One day they just dumped it all in the middle of the lane, fridge freezers and all."

Another resident said: "It is disgusting, utterly bone idle and inconsiderate how some people are."

Executive member for environmental services at Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, Cllr Jim Smith said the council were looking at investing in more cameras for the borough but could understand the residents' frustrations.

He said: "There are people who will come and take your rubbish away for you for very little cost and then dump it wherever they like.

"This is illegal and we have caught one company already and will be dealing with them in due course.

"We understand the frustrations of residents as most people are decent and keep their areas clean.

"If you are caught illegally dumping rubbish, rest assured you will be punished and your vehicle will be seized."