A Business graduate has nearly completed her trip to Tanzania where she has given out Blackburn Rovers T-shirts as gifts to the children.

Emily McHugh, of Longridge, travelled to Tanzania on Tuesday 24 July for three weeks to help improve the lives of the people who live there and promoted Blackburn Rovers by handing out t-shirts.

The twenty-one-year -old travelled with GoMad to support their project. GoMad are a charity that allows volunteers to get involved in helping communities in East Africa.

Miss McHugh helped secure medical treatment for critically ill children, building water supplies for local schools and buildings, and building goat houses for young mothers to earn sustainable income for their families.

Tedd Walmsley, step-dad of Emily, said: “The whole family are very proud of her and the work she’s doing with young people out in Tanzania.

“She only calls home once per week but has found the whole experience humbling and very rewarding.

“She believes kindness matters and has helped me more locally with my work with Nightsafe in Blackburn.”

During her time in Tanzania, Miss McHugh was also keen on spreading the support for Blackburn Rovers by giving children t-shirts to wear.

Miss McHugh has already run a half marathon in July and a tough mudder challenge to help her fundraise.

After her three weeks come to an end on Wednesday 16 August, Miss McHugh will start a graduate job with DHL in logistics.