A DISQUALIFIED driver got behind the wheel of his wife's car and drove off when he saw a traffic warden approaching.

Blackburn magistrates heard Arfan Kazi was seen by a police officer as he drove round the block and initially gave false details to avoid prosecution.

Kazi, 38, of Blackthorn Close, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified and without insurance and obstructing a police officer and, on a separate occasion, stealing two bottles of whiskey from Morrisons. He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with 10 days rehabilitation activity requirement and a curfew between 9 pm and 7 am for six weeks. He was banned from driving for four months.

Jonathan Taylor, defending, said Kazi was siting in the passenger seat of the car while his wife she ran to a nearby shop.

"He saw the traffic warden coming and not wanting his wife to get a ticket he decided to drive the car round the block," said Mr Taylor.