A "prolific thief" went out stealing to get cash to go and visit his sick mother in hospital, a court heard.

Father-to-be Matthew Dwyer, 23, took a DVD from Aldi, Colne, but then cycled past the store carrying the player in its box.

He was arrested and said he had gone in the shop with no money and had intended to steal something.

The defendant, who had been subject to a community order at the time, told police he had sold the machine for £10, Burnley magistrates heard.

Dwyer, of Briercliffe Avenue, Colne, admitted theft on July 29 and failing to surrender.

He was given a nine month community order with drugs rehabilitation and a one-month curfew, between 8pm and 8am, on every day except Sunday. He must also pay £19.99 compensation and £75 costs.

Elizabeth Reed, prosecuting, said the defendant was a prolific offender who used drugs. He had 13 pages of convictions, had been given various sentences by the courts and had received a suspended jail term.

Mark Irlam, defending, said the offence was idiotic and nonsensical and Dwyer had committed the offences on his own doorstep.

He said Dwyer was well-known in Colne, security guards in the North Valley Road area knew him and he was arrested after the CCTV was viewed.

He said the defendant had offended to get money to see his mother in hospital. He was very sorry and realised he had put himself in danger. Dwyer had spent significant amounts of his young life in custody.

Mr Irlam added the defendant had changed as he was in a settled relationship and his partner was due to give birth to their first child on August 24.