TWO men who assaulted a taxi driver on duty in Clitheroe have been given suspended jail terms.

A court heard that the victim, Naeem Ahmed, was spat at and later assaulted by Darren Allen and Gary Haslam.

A judge passing sentence at Preston Crown Court described the events as a "very unpleasant experience" for the taxi driver.

Allen, 36, of Richmond Terrace, Clitheroe and Haslam, 36, of Talbot Close, Clitheroe, had both been found guilty following a trial.

Allen had been convicted of two common assaults and Haslam, one offence of damage and one of common assault.

Mr Ahmed had been driving a taxi on Peel Street, Clitheroe in the early hours of December 4 last year when he came to a pelican crossing.

The defendants approached as the vehicle stopped.

Both were given a total of six months prison, suspended for 18months, with 18 months supervision. Each was told they will have to pay £100 comp-ensation plus £150 costs.