A GUEST at an upmarket Blackburn wedding venue was thrown out because of his drunken behaviour.

Blackburn magistrates heard Josef McDonald Kennedy fell asleep in a ditch and Richard Prew, defending, said it may have been better if he had stayed there and slept it off.

Kennedy, 26, of Hamel Street, Bolton, pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly at Stanley House. He was fined £85 and ordered to pay £85 costs and £30 victim surcharge.

Catherine Allan, prosecuting, had been asked to leave the venue because of his drunken behaviour.

Security staff took him into the grounds but eventually the police had to be called.

"He was clearly drunk and was abusive towards the police officer who attended," said Miss Allan.

Richard Prew, defending, said Kennedy's girlfriend was the guest at the wedding and he was with her.

"She said he seemed a happy, merry drunk and then at some point his demeanour changed," said Mr Prew. "He doesn't know if his drink was spiked but he does remember waking up in a ditch. Perhaps it would have been better if he stayed there and slept it off."