PEOPLE are a pretty depressing bunch on the whole.

Take for instance those moaning about the amount of work that has gone into re-building Blackburn.


Yes, I am quite annoyed that there are four separate areas of the town where building work is going on.

And it is almost impossible to get out of Blackburn these days without coming across some sort of road works.

Once I went on five detours just to get of the town. As soon I had got through one set of temporary traffic lights I was faced with another and then another. I was certain the guys were following me around.

It was not a good day.

I am all for the changes apart from the ones at Eanam. I am not entirely sure what this actually achieve. It confuses me somewhat. A whole extra road and I won’t be able to drive on it.

But you have to admit it will look great when it is finished.

What we have though is a number of people who are simply annoyed all the time. It can be about anything and everything and they are constantly talking the town down.

If it isn’t a huge moan about the road going the wrong way we have to moan about the zebra crossing being in the wrong place. Or the fact that the building ‘aren’t all that’ and nothing like the ones in London.

Look, what would people rather have a town where nothing ever got re-built? That nothing ever got done? Or that it got done better?

What I say to people is if they don’t living here they are welcome to move a more affluent neighbourhood or area and mix with the more affluent people.

If Blackburn is not good enough for you then find a better place.

Of course there are exceptions to the rule.

Even I admit the bus station is unlikely to be finished in my lifetime but at least people in the 22nd century will enjoy quicker journeys to Burnley and beyond.

I am hoping they have not created any more wind tunnels with all the new buildings.

These things matter to some of us.

On the whole though Blackburn actually looks like a city if you stand near the new leisure centre and only look in one direction.

I suggest you all try it.