SMALL businesses in Rossendale are being urged to prepare for new laws that work places must be smoke free from July 1 this year.

Smoke-free legislation will not just affect pubs, restaurants and clubs, it affects all work places, according to Dave Pierce, principal environmental health officer for Rossendale Council.

He said: "We are here to help businesses comply with the new laws.

"Small businesses, in particular, need to get the information, understand it, and act on it.

"The legislation is not about stopping people from smoking, it's about when, and where, people can smoke.

"People won't be able to smoke in offices, factories, warehouses and shops from July 1, and businesses have a legal responsibility to ensure this doesn't happen."

He said businesses need to consider where employees will be allowed to smoke, and draft a policy. If they are providing a shelter it may need planning consent, which can take time.