THE Clitheroe to Manchester rail service which passes through Blackburn has been given community rail status - in a bid to increase the number of users.

It follows a bid by Blackburn with Darwen Council Council to the Department of Transport and Network Rail for a £8m upgrade to the Blackburn to Manchester section.

Community Rail status, a Government sanctioned designation, is intended to make rail operators focus more on the needs of their passengers and work with user groups to improve services.

Richard Watts, secretary of Clitheroe Line Community Rail Partnership, said: "This is the culmination of a lot of hard work to establish the partnership and to agree with partners an Action Plan for the development of the line.

"Designation will provide even more opportunities to breathe new life into the line, improve stations and further engage with the local community.

"We have an exciting marketing plan for the line."

Heidi Mottram, managing director of Northern Rail, which runs the trains, said: "We hope that designation will offer significant opportunities to build on the success of this route."