AN INSPECTION has revealed that a council rated the worst in the country three years ago is improving.

An independent report says general service performance at Rossendale Borough Council continues to get better.

The good news comes after the authority was ranked the worst council in the country in a disastrous 2003 Audit Commission Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA).

During the inspection, it was given a poor' rating - the worst possible.

Under the assessment, councils are now given stars, ranging from one (the worst) to four (the best).

In its latest inspection, the Audit Commission looked at the council's performance in its contribution to the county council's children and young person partnership, its role in strategic housing responsib-ility, and management of finances.

It told the council it needed to do more to look at affordable and decent housing, work more closely with other authorities in East Lancashire, and further develop financial management.

Tom Keena, Audit Commission senior manager, told a meeting of Rossendale Council: "The council has received a fair rating and shows promising prospects for the future. This has been another year of good progress."

The council will face a full Audit Commission review next month when it will have the chance for a rescoring of its comprehensive performance assessment.

Council leader Duncan Ruddick said: "It is great to have the improvements we have made in Rossendale applauded by the Audit Commission, and we are looking forward to the inspection next month when we will be able to finally show how far we have come, and just how good a council we are now."