BURNLEY is gearing up for its new £1.2million waste collection service.

Contractor Veolia Environmental Service has taken over the service from Biffa.

The change sees the introduction of back door recycling pick ups for terrace properties and improved street cleansing services which will help boost the town's recycling performance.

Card and paper will be collected in a single white sack, while textiles will be collected in a clear plastic sack.

Crews have pledged to clear accidental spillages made during collections.

Sarah Schofield, Burnley Council's head of Streetscene, said: "We all want to produce less waste, recycle more and see cleaner streets in Burnley.

"As well as the waste contract improvements we are replacing all litter bins with bigger and better bins and we are doing a lot of work on education and enforcement.

"Thanks to the help of residents we are continuing to improve our recycling performance and by making collection services more extensive and convenient we are confident we can now do even better."