EURO-CARDS have become available throughout the EEC to lawyers who have a right to practise in other member countries. Issued by the Consultative Committee of the Bars and Law Societies of the EEC, they bear a picture of the holder and show in six languages the authority to practise in any of the nine countries the cards were designed by an Orcadian, and have been produced in Stornoway of a durable plastic material developed as a spin-off from oil. They will be issued by in Scotland the Faculty of Advocates or the Law Society of Scotland.


A HINT of a possible new national drive in slum clearance is contained in a long reply by the secretary of state for Scotland to a resolution on housing which was adopted at the Rothesay conference in April of the Scottish Trades Union Congress. After pointing out that any slum clearance programme must be considered against the background of the general housing position, he says: ''Local authorities already have the powers needed to close or demolish individual houses or to clear whole areas.''


THE twin-screw hopper

steamer, launched by Messrs Fleming and Ferguson Limited, went down the Firth for trials yesterday, and, on the run between Cloch and Cumbrae, attained a speed of 11 knots an hour. The vessel was carrying a capacity of 1200 tons and is the first of four similar steamers the firm is building.


APPALLING Shipwreck on Coast of Barra - It is our painful task to announce one of the most mournful shipwrecks which has ever occurred on the coast of Scotland, and we learn from some of the survivors who reached Glasgow that nearly 400 perished 100 belonged to Glasgow and the west of Scotland and from Ireland.


EDINBURGH - There was a meeting of the Lieutenancy, the Heritors and Justices of the Peace held in Parliament House. At the present crisis, it was decided the people should be armed.