Our novice 10k-er Beth Pearson reports on her

fifth week of training.

I've never bought into consumer psychology that says advertising a product

as ''under (pounds) 100'' rather than ''(pounds) 99.99'' will make people more likely to buy it.

But saying I've got four minutes 55 seconds left

to run when it's effectively five minutes? I buy that every single time.

I only rely on such persuasive tactics when I'm feeling a bit sluggish (an average of one session a week). On the whole, I think I'm adapting well. My knee is fine again, motivation levels are good and I notice my improvement constantly .

On a good day, I go into autopilot, whereby I can run at a constant pace without feeling slightly fatigued or even looking at my watch. I've also started to skip

some of the one-minute walks to keep the sense of momentum (and get it over and done with, of course).

Some advice: remember to stretch BEFORE you get in the shower. It's slippy.

I will be running for the International Otter Survival Fund (IOSF), based on the Isle of Skye.

Call 01471 822 487 to make a donation.