A FORMER town centre pub that has stood derelict for more than four years could be revamped as a community aid centre.

Bosses at Blackburn with Darwen Council for Voluntary Service have submitted plans to convert the Boulevard pub, next to the railway station, into their new base.

Chiefs said the £1.5-£2m scheme would allow the service to consolidate all its facilities in one building "fit for the 21st century" that was close to the town's public transport hubs.

The plans lodged with Blackburn with Darwen Council's planning department include a three-storey extension to the back of the building and installing a lift.

The CVS currently operates from three sites: one at the St John Centre, Victoria Street, another in Victoria Street and one in James Street.

Garth Hodgkinson, chief officer of the CVS, said: "We are doing this to improve how we operate and to provide better facilities to the voluntary, community and faith sector. We also hope to expand our social enterprise provision and rent out some space to community groups.

"The big thing will be fundraising to get the money if we get planning permission. We need to raise the finances for it and will be applying for various grants."

He said the ambition was to complete the project by 2009 in line with the £4million re-development of the bus station.

But the scheme might have to be done in phases because of funding.

The service was set up in the borough in 1986 and works with various organisations to provide services within the voluntary sector.

CVS also identifies gaps in the provision of services and works with agencies to develop new services or encourages an existing agency to extend its services.

The pub changed its name from the Star and Garter to the Boulevard in 2000 when it underwent a refit. It had closed after licensee Dave Stewart was found hanged in the living quarters.

It had a succession of owners and finally shut in late 2002.

Derek Haworth, former chairman of Blackburn Licensed Victuallers' Association, said: "Some stay closed and never re-open as pubs, unfortunately this is one."