E-cigarette firm Totally Wicked has appointed Pierce, the business advisory and accountancy group, to advise it on auditing matters as the firm looks to grow in an expanding market.

Blackburn-based Totally Wicked, founded in 2008, now employs 100 staff at its headquarters, has six retail sites in the UK, a manufacturing facility in Altham, and locations in the US and Germany.

The firm also has a two-year sponsorship deal of the Bob Lord Stand at Burnley FC’s Turf Moor ground.

Kath Rogers, commercial and finance director at Totally Wicked, said: “When the business was founded this was a niche market but as the market has developed and e-cigarettes have become a more recognisable and acceptable recreational alternative to smoking, Totally Wicked has remained at the forefront of transforming the industry.

“Operating in a rapidly growing industry like this brings its own challenges and we were keen to bring Pierce on board to offer support as we continue our growth plans.”

Simon Diggle, associate director at Pierce said: “Pierce has a strong track record for advising the manufacturing and retail sectors, and we were delighted to be approached by Totally Wicked.

“The e-cigarette market is growing at a very healthy rate and Totally Wicked has been instrumental in this progress, raising awareness and campaigning as well as retailing their own products.”