A DIALOGUE on ‘interfaith marriages’, including between Christians and Muslims, is being staged at Blackburn Cathedral tomorrow.

People are invited to the event, organised by ExChange, the interfaith development agency at the cathedral Anjum Anwar, dialogue development officer at the Cathedral, said: “Last October guidelines were launched at Westminster Abbey on the subject of interfaith marriages.

“The work was undertaken by Heather Al-Yousuf, who has vast experience of what it is like to be married to someone of a different faith, and the challenges it can present.

“Whether one agrees or not to marriages between different faiths, it is important to provide support to those who find themselves in this situation.”

Julian Bond, director of the Christian Muslim Forum, and Mrs Al-Yusuf will be in conversation with Anjum and Canon Shannon Ledbetter, Chaplain of Blackburn College. The event is free and takes place from 1 pm to 3 pm.