BRAVE teenager Eleanor Driver said farewell to her lovely locks after her dad was diagnosed with cancer.

The 15-year-old, from Rising Bridge, raised more than £2,000 for Cancer Research UK when she had her shoulder-length brunette hair cut at the start of the Relay for Life at Rawtenstall’s Marl Pits Sports Centre.

Stylist Matthew Threlfall, from Rawtenstall salon Freddie’s, plaited the Haslingden High School student’s hair before she made the first cut.

Friends and family then took it in turns to complete the haircut.

The hair has been sent to the Little Princess Trust, to make wigs for children with leukaemia.

Eleanor’s grandmother, Pat Howarth, said: “Having her head shaved has made her look even more beautiful, although she has bought some bandanas to wear because it has been very cold. She looks like a model.”

Seven members of Eleanor’s family have been affected by cancer and two have died.

Her father, Craig, was diagnosed with bowel cancer and has had an operation to have the tumour removed.