IN 1966, a very nervous nursing cadet called Joan Woodcock arrived at Blackburn Royal Infirmary.

Her first impression was that she had entered an army barracks, not a hospital. Everything, including the nurse’s uniforms was spotless.

Hair was neat and short, jewellery banned and anyone who broke the rules soon incurred Matron’s wrath.

Joan has now written a book in which, to her obvious and profound dismay, she exposes the neglect of patients by some of today’s nursing staff.

There are many examples of how standards and attitudes have changed.

When one reads Joan’s book, ‘Matron Knows Best’, one can only be filled with despair and wonder at what has happened to a health service that was once the envy of the world.

The book should be compulsory reading for every member of the NHS.

D Walker, Barrowford.