I don’t often stroll around Cheshire these days but in blazing hot sunshine Lymm Dam is a lovely place to walk through history and natural history and also follow the towpath of the Bridgewater Canal.

Walk past the Welcome to Lymm Dam sign.

This was formed in 1824 when the new Turnpike road linking Warrington and Stockport was flooded.

This dammed Bradley Brook and flooded the marsh on the vicinity of the church.

The park was originally landscaped by the first Lord Leverhulme, who was born in Bolton and was the founder of the Lever empire centred on Port Sunlight.

This is now the world famous Unilever.

Bradley Brook flows from the Upper Dam into the Middle Dam, down through the Dingle and into the Lower Dam.

I had a lovely sighting here of a great crested grebe incubating its eggs.

Descend a set of steps and cross an attractive bridge above a waterfall which links the Upper and Middle Dams.

Turn right and continue around the expansive water, through a belt of trees and with views across to Lymm church. There are records of the church dating back to the 10th century but it has been rebuilt many times over the years, the last time in 1851.

Care is needed here to cross the often busy A56 road.

Follow the track down into the Dingle by the side of Bradley Brook to emerge in the centre of Lymm and the Lower Dam. Turn left up Bridgewater Street to reach the canal.

Turn right on the towpath and enjoy the sight of lots of colourful birds. Before you cross Lymm Bridge look down into the Town square to see the ancient market cross. Follow the towpathtowards Oughtrighton Bridge for about a mile.

The Bridgewater, designed by James Brindley, was the first true canal to be built in England and dates to 1770.

Cross the canal and immediately double back, but on the opposite towpath. The water is now on the right.

Continue onwards to reach a road.

Pass a school and then turn left up Orchard Avenue. At the top of the road turn sharp right onto the higher path. Keep straight on towards the church.

Return across the A56 near Lymm Dam and follow a board walk and then up some steps to a picnic area. Return to the car park.

How to get there: Turn off the M6 motorway at Junction 20 and follow the A56 Lymm. There is a car park close to St Mary’s church close to the dam.

Distance: 3½ miles