Local singer James Loynes is bringing his unique blend of classic crooning with a modern twist to Blackburn on June 3, with his show "On Broadway". We put some burning questions to him.

If you were Prime Minister what law would you introduce? No dole and more thorough benefit checks. If you don't want to work that's fine, but survive without help. If you are unable to work then you should definitely be given support but we shouldn't give an incentive for people not to work by making money available for nothing. Ooh, did I just rant or what?

Has a book or song ever changed your life? If so, what? I don't really have any particular book or song that has changed my life significantly, but whenever life gets a little to overwhelming, I find that throwing on a completely cheesy track and dancing around like a mad fool just makes life seem worth living again. I guess it changes your outlook.

Where do you think is the best place in the entire world? Well, they say that Disneyland is the happiest place on earth and for me it's definitely one of them.

What's your favourite time of day and why? Lunchtime. I love my food. Though I wouldn't like it to be lunchtime all the time. I like to take care of my figure!

What is your idea of happiness? Good family, good friends and a great four-part harmony.

If you won the lottery what would you spend it on? Well, I don't do the lottery but if I did I think I'd get straight on eBay and buy loads of stuff, clicking "Pay Now" without a second thought. I love getting things in the post.

If there was one thing in your life you could change what would it be? When I was three I jumped off our piano and broke my big toe. It sometimes gives me gip when the weather's cold. I reckon I'd change that. (Always been musical, I guess).

Who would be your four ideal dinner giests, dead or alive, and why? I think I'd have to invite Walt Disney, simply because I'm a huge Disney fan; Sandra Bullock, because she really is quite nice; Beethoven, so I can ask him what he thinks to my Roland electronic keyboard and if he wants a go; and Benny Hill, so we can all chase him down the street and work off the food we just ate!

Anything to add? You didn't ask me about world peace!

James Loynes is at Thwaites Empire Theatre in Blackburn on Saturday, June 3. Call box office on 01254 680137 (10am to 12.30pm).