PIES really are a thing of beauty - especially in this part of the world.

There can be no proper chap in East Lancashire who can’t resist the lure of a piece of pastry perfection and in Burnley there can’t be many people who can walk through the market and pass Haffner’s without stopping in their tracks to pick up one of their pies.

They have always been top notch and on current standard I suspect they will always stay at the summit of mine, and thousands of other Burnley folk’s, personal pie chart.

I know I am not alone. My mate Andy keeps taking pictures of piles of Haffner’s specials and sending them to me via social media.

I salivate at my desk when I see those snaps - so the other Saturday I darted into the market to treat myself to a brace of pies for my dinner.

You won’t get chilli and sweetcorn salad pies at Haffner’s - but who needs the fancy ‘gourmet’ ones when you can get stuck into their meat and potato efforts.

They were rushed home and eaten with a pot of tea for my dinner. They ooze quality and the taste is special with cracking ingredients inside pastry to die for.

And they are, dear reader, my idea of Saturday dinner time heaven.