Recently, we saw pictures of people stood around waiting to be one of the first to get their hands on the iPhone 6. Has this got to be the most pointless exercise ever?

Now, I like gadgets like the next person but does it matter if you walk in a few days later and pick up the product? Does it make me feel any less of a person?

If I was to get hold of that phone I have basically a day or two before the whole novelty of having that new phone wears off. After a few days, no a whole 24 hours, I am not going to be the only person with that phone, am I?

Yes, among my friends I will text and tweet and say I have a got a new phone. But does anyone really care?

The cynic in me thinks that most of these folk are hired by the company to boost interest in what is just another phone. It doesn’t cook my meal and can’t make me more attractive to the opposite sex.

I have yet to have a woman take any interest in me because of the last phone I got. She will not be impressed when I whip it out and claim it can do all sorts of tricks.

In fact, me having a new phone may well be a complete turn-off.

I guess I could be someone who likes to post reviews up. But, then again, I’m not.

And what is the deal with Asians being the first in the queue for everything?

Whenever they have a picture showing people standing in queues why do we get a hippy or the brother?

I love it when we make it to the front of the line – I almost feel a sense of pride.

But being first to get a new phone equals too much time on my hands.