ONE of the hidden gems on Channel Four recently has to be the second series of Undercover Boss.

The format is simple — the boss of a top company sheds their designer gear and leaves the boardroom behind to go out on the shopfloor, generally nosing around in their own business without the employees guessing what’s going on.

Then comes the ‘reveal’ in which the workers are mysteriously called up to head office to discover their new workmate’s true identity.

It sounds contrived but, thanks to tight editing and some very engaging characters, it’s a bit of a treat. The staff at Blackburn’s Ann Summers showed themselves to be real stars in an early episode.

This week, chief exec of Isuzu Trucks Nikki King went around dealerships and spent time with breakdown operators.

Nikki came across as a formidable but fair woman with a heart of gold. Quite how they choose the workers the bosses will spend time with I’m not sure and I hope it’s not a fix. There are some real champions in the workforce. This week there was a young girl delivering parts who showed more gumption than any six-figured salaried show-off and a receptionist who loved trucks.

Nikki spotted their potential and decided to personally mentor the girl and gave the receptionist her own truck and a set of HGV driving lessons - now that’s a staff incentive!