DEARY me. With every deluded wanabee worth their salt currently making a prat of themselves in the opening rounds of X Factor, you'd have thought we'd reached the depths of how far people are willing to go to show themselves up.

But BBC2's all-new Brian Conley's Let Me Entertain You proves when you hit rock bottom, you can always carry on digging.

If you thought the man who howled like a hyena to Michael Jackson's Earth Song on Saturday's X Factor was bad, you ain't seen nothing.

Let Me Entertain You is like a horrible mish-mash of Michael Barrymore's My Kind of People and an amateur Opportunity Knocks.

Imagine the producers travelled back in time to the early Nineties, rounded up competitiors from every low-rate caravan park talent show in a big van and drove them directly to the studio - and you're halfway there.

After stumbling across the show on BBC2 earlier this week it took me a while to understand what was going on.

Basically each act gets a maximum of three minutes. If half the grumpy audience hasn't voted them off by the time three minutes is up, they win £1,000.

The only one I've ever seen manage this feat is a kid singing Nessun Dorma.

Perhaps it's got something to do with the fact that it's on during the pre-good stuff lull, but despite being more cringeworthy than watching a sex scene with your parents, it's the most compelling TV I've watched for ages.

I challenge you to watch it and not get hooked.