IT'S only into its second programme of the series but I really don't think I can cope with another 10 Years Younger'.

Channel Four wheeled out another nicotine-stained, flabby skinned, unfortunate to appear miserable in front of The Public who are only too happy to laugh, point, and kick em while they're down.

These impartial observers judged self-confessed wreck of the week Jeni Ingram to be 52, nine years older than her real age. But is it fair?

Presenter and self-appointed doyenne of good taste Nikki Hambleton-Jones doesn't let the victims put on any make-up, brush their hair or even smile while their peers judge them.

The thing about this show is, yes, they all look fab after intensive renovation work, but at what cost?

Thousands upon thousands of pounds and much surgery. that's what. It's all very well but what's the point if you can't afford anti-wrinkle cream, let alone botox?

I think we need a show called, Let it all go! Don't worry about it!' You don't after all, want to end up looking like Nicky Hambleton-Jones. She's got less expression and interest than a Barbie doll (and no, Nicky, the glasses don't make you look interesting or clever. Nothing apart from a few wrinkles and laugh lines could do that).

I read one critic who described her as looking like a woman who has no smell, and not in a good way.

I'm not quite sure what it means but it's oddly very, very true.