Most of us would like to have a few more brain cells than we currently have at our disposal.

But who would really want an IQ of 170, putting us into the top 0.002 per cent of the population?

And what if we had that mental ability and were under ten?

The subtitle of Child Genius' (Channel 4), about megabrained children is "Young and Gifted", but by the end you half-wonder if it should be "young and cursed". We're catching up with kids we met in the last series and last night we also met Georgia, who toppled Mikhail as Britain's youngest Mensa member.

At two, she was measured with an IQ of 152 - which is particularly mind-blowing given that, being a toddler, she fell asleep halfway through the test.

These kids can multiply five numbers at a time, at an age when many others can't even count to 10.

These are not average, everyday children. And I wonder, will having them labelled as 'gifted' be a dream or a living nightmare as they struggle to handle the repercussions of their super powers.

But Britain's brightest youngsters are also as mischievous as the Nintendo-obsessed friends they have left behind.

And with their genius they are all the more intimidating and in such small bodies, it could almost form some sort of far-fetched film plot where mini me's take over the world! It's all a bit scary.