LISA Power can’t wait until her birthday on October 30.

This is not just so she can celebrate with her family and friends – but because it will be her last round of chemotherapy after she was diagnosed with womb cancer.


The 40-year-old was given the devastating news four months ago after feeling unwell and contacting her doctor.

And she feels lucky to have been diagnosed with a disease more commonly associated with women in their 60s.

Yesterday as she joined colleagues to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support she urged others with the same type of symptoms to get them checked out.

Lisa said her story began after a smear test in February which showed ‘borderline’ results relating to cervical cancer.

She was told she wouldn’t need a follow-up check for another three years but, in June, visited her GP with abdominal pains and was diagnosed with womb cancer.

“I’d say to women, ‘always get a second opinion’. You know your own body. If you don’t feel right, get it looked at,” she said.

“I went to the doctor with stomach and abdominal pains. Because I didn’t fit the profile for womb cancer – I’m younger and healthier than a typical case – I’m lucky that it was discovered.

“After the smear test they said I should get tested again in three years. Just before my operation in July, the cancer was spreading to my cervix. If I had waited for three years I might not be here.”

Lisa, who has worked at IMD Associates in Wilkinson Way, Blackburn, for 10 years, had a full hysterectomy in July.

She hopes to have double reason for celebration at the end of the month when her chemotherapy concludes.

“It’s strange how it’s worked because I was diagnosed on Friday 13th,” said Lisa, from Bolton. “Now I’m due to have my last chemo session on my 41st birthday on October 30.

“My family and everyone at work have been fantastic, as have the people at The Christie. I’ve lost about 70 per cent of my hair but they’ve helped me out with a wig service and make-up sessions. I owe everything to them and my doctor.”

Danielle Leech and Ralph Golden, who work in the same building as Miss Power for Every Aspect Ltd, organised yesterday’s fundraiser.

They had gifts including coffee beans and mugs donated by Starbucks at Euro Garages in Haslingden Road and raised around £500, with further donations expected.

Ms Leech, from Darwen, said she hoped to have their friend back in the office as soon as possible.

She said: “Lisa felt really bad that she couldn’t make the original date because she wasn’t expecting to have chemotherapy but everyone told her not to force it and we’d wait.

“We’ve become quite good friends and, hopefully, we can keep her in a positive frame of mind by raising enough to hand over a big cheque when the chemo is over.”