BLACK elasticated plimsolls and ‘warm milk in little bottles’ were two of the more popular primary school memories posted in response to a recent internet request.

Everyone can remember some aspects of their first few years at school, good and bad, but how were we seen by those around us?

This category aims to focus a spotlight on those East Lancashire boys and girls who, by their actions, have earned the admiration and respect of school staff and pupils alike.

It might be that they have shone academically, although intelligence and hard work are not the only criteria by any means.

Judges will be looking for pupils who help those around them and are keen to get involved in all kinds of school activities.

He or she might also have put personal problems to one side in order to play a significant part in classroom life.

That outstanding contribution could have many forms and, for example, include children who have striven hard despite illness or disability to really immerse themselves in the community that exists at primary or special schools.

Nominations can come from teachers, governors, parents, other pupils (with parental approval) or anyone who believes they know of a five to 11-year-old who deserves to be recognised.