Hi-tech cameras, which can tell what you are doing in your car and spot if the vehicle is stolen, could help slash insurance premiums by cutting accidents and reducing the number of uninsured drivers on the road, according to the intermediary the A&A Group Ltd.

The additional 'Big Brother-style' automatic number plate recognition cameras could soon be deployed on UK roads to clamp down on criminals and motorists driving without tax or insurance.

There are concerns the cameras could be seen as an invasion of privacy snapping people inside their vehicles.

But the A&A Group believes the more detailed data gathered by these cameras could help to track stolen cars and cut the number of drivers without insurance cover, ultimately helping to cut insurance premiums.

The A&A Group chief executive Tony Allen said: "These cameras could take the black and white' nature out of penalties for road offences by taking more factors into consideration. They could even help to educate drivers on the rights and wrongs of road use, improving safety for everyone.