IT was the end of the line for railway union leader John Boardman as the extensive Rosegrove marshalling yards closed in 1974.

The Burnley area branch secretary of ASLEF had completed 28 years of service on the railways, including two decades as a train driver.

But as the yard came to a standstill, another worker, John, of Fife Street, Carr Hall, Barrowford, decided to take a job in a factory.

He had begun his career as an engine cleaner at Rosegrove and received a long service award to mark 20 years as a union official.

Other lifetime railway men were quitting the industry, too, though many of the 100-strong staff at Rosegrove had taken up the option to move to the Blackburn depot.

John McManus, secretary of Rosegrove local department committee was one of those going further along the track after 33 years.

The Rosegrove site became a ghost area when the last of the personnel left, with only two shunters remaining behind, to divert goods traffic to Padiham power station.

So ended an era which had begun in 1900 when the engine shed was built.