Sir Bill Taylor

Lancashire Telegraph blogger

Latest articles from Sir Bill Taylor

Is it something that you said?

We've seen the film, I've been to two concentration camps in my life & really didn't like it. There's something about them about "what would I have done had I been there captive or captor, oppressor or oppressed"? Why did the Holocaust happen? Why was it allowed to? What is it in human nature to pick on someone?

Sir Bill Taylor: Not voting then?

So, registration to vote has closed for the impending General Election. I'm already getting fed up with we'll spend £x billions on this, we'll give this to this group, that to that, we'll appoint x more nurses, y more teachers, z more midwives tenor of the process.

Sir Bill Taylor: I need to confess!

I've never watched an episode of Friends, Neighbours or The Simpsons. I cannot stand those Saturday night "talent" shows, the dancing one, or skating, is there a diving one & one about skiing?