HAT-TRICK hero . . . that's hard-hitting Kevin Dolder, who has again won the Liverpool Open Table Tennis championship following previous successes in 1994 and 1995. That first triumph gave 18-year-old student Kevin, of Kensington Avenue, Sutton, the additional honour of being the youngest-ever player to lift the prestigious trophy. Dolder's latest conquest came via a 21-15, 21-18 victory over highly-rated Keith Williams in the final after Kevin had to battle hard to overcome Paul Hutchings 19-21, 21-12, 27-25 at the semi-final stage. Kevin's progress in the jet-speed world of modern table tennis is all the more remarkable in that he underwent open-heart surgery at the age of four and , acting on medical advice, took up the game at Sutton Cricket Club before moving on to the CADWA team in the Liverpool League.

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