THE Jennings Ribblesdale League clubs have voted against becoming a feeder league for the Northern Premier League.

Clubs rejected the proposal by 13 votes to three with two abstentions.

The NPL will pass the result on to the Lancashire Cricket Board and are now likely to advertise for clubs to join the league and form a future second division.

"The decision has been made by the clubs," confirmed Ribblesdale League secretary Rod Slater.

"It is a relief in one way that a final decision has been made.

"The Northern League may now advertise for clubs and our next thought is how that will affect us. It might or it might not but that's the next thing on the horizon."

He added: "We've been going for 100 years and long may it continue." NPL chairman Norman Brown confirmed that with a full league meeting and a meeting with the LCB to come within the next month, the likely route forward would be to advertise for clubs once the current season has ended -- in line with procedures laid down by the county boards and the League Cricket Conference.

He said: "We quite understand the Ribblesdale League's situation. It's not an easy decision for any league or club to make.

"We spent a lot of time thinking about it ourselves. There's no animosity over this issue.

"We have had two meetings with the Ribblesdale League which were conducted in an amicable way.

"We gave them information and questions were asked. The clubs went away and discussed it with their committees and the league's decision has now been made."

With three Ribblesdale League clubs backing plans for a merger, it may be that they will look to to join the NPL on an individual footing, although not for next season.

However, the NPL could yet be given the go-ahead to operate as a Premier League on a stand-alone basis which would maintain the status quo and mean any players wishing to play at the 'top level' of Lancashire cricket would be able to do so off their own bat as is currently the case.