A MAJOR redevelopment is being planned to rejuvenate Edgworth Cricket and Recreation Club.

Trustees of the Barlow Memorial Institute, which manages the premises, off Bolton Road, have applied for funding in excess of £100,000 from Sport England.

They have applied to Blackburn with Darwen Council for outline planning permission for a two phase development which would see the run-down pavilion demolished and replaced with a traditional style building.

If planning officers give the proposal the thumbs-up, the first phase could be finished by next May followed by a second phase, which would include modernising the changing rooms which are used by various groups within the community as well as the cricket teams.

Steve Simpson, the cricket and recreational development officer who helped put the bid together, said: "Sport England approved of our scheme so we are now waiting for final approval of the bid. The development will be good news for the whole community.

"The parish council has given its support so hopefully plans will be approved by the end of this month. The development scheme includes replacing the pavilion that was installed as a temporary building in the mid 1970s and had already been in Queen's Park in Blackburn for about 20 years.

"It is seriously deteriorated and will be demolished within the next few weeks regardless of the outcome of the bid. This is a cricket and recreational club so we are providing facilities for a whole range of activities including rounders, tennis, bowls, as well as lots of junior clubs.

"We have four junior cricket teams and more than 100 juniors professionally coached here, which was a strong part of our bid. We also work with students from Edgworth Primary School and Bolton Sixth Form College and the premises are used by local groups and charities.

"This will be a big scheme with a big traditional club house which will be in keeping with the village. All the dressing rooms will be improved in two years' time during phase two. We are hoping phase one will be completed within five to six months.

"We can't say how much the award may be at the moment but it is a substantial award in excess of £100,000."

The new building will be leased to the cricket club by the trustees.