WHEN retired teacher John Whalley was a pupil at Leigh Grammar School in the Sixties he was told he was rubbish at art.

Now the self-taught artist is opening his first water colour exhibition on Sunday at Leigh Cricket Club.

The recently retired head of geography at Standish High School John, aged 55, of Tyldesley Old Road, Atherton, took up painting to relax a couple of years ago and took his work in to the art teacher at school who put him on the right path.

His landscapes, seas and flowers started to sell to colleagues so he decided to mount his first show to the public.

More than 20 pieces of his work will be up for grabs at the Beech Walk ground between 12.30 and 3.30pm on November 7.

John said: "Painting is great therapy. I did it to relax at first and found people liked my work.

"I have converted my loft into a studio and now paint on most days.

"I hope visitors to the exhibition will like them too."