Residents are “sad” and “angry”, after plans were submitted to demolish part of a Blacko pub and turn it into a three-bedroom house.

Mr John Kay Change wants to change the existing Grade II listed Cross Gaits pub in Blacko into a house and then erect a second four-bedroom property on the existing carpark.

He also wants to demolish the rear pitched gable extension and rear flat roof extension of the pub due to the extensions being of “poor quality, non-original and are not required for the new proposed use of the building”.

READ MORE: Former grade II listed pub could be turned into three-bed home under new plans

Some people have expressed anger, sadness and disappointment at the prospective plans.

Speaking to the Lancashire Telegraph former landlords of the pub who left the pub at the start of the year, Adam Marshall and Peter Godwin, said it would be a “massive shame” to lose the pub.

Peter said: ”It’s a beautiful building and it does need a lot of work. There are issues with damp, it needs new window and better drainage.

“It needs someone who can keep it as a pub but has the money to make the relevant repairs.

“It would be a massive shame to see it change from a pub as it was a great spot in summer for the beer garden.

“The locals and regular eaters are lovely and we got to know a lot of people.”

Blacko resident, Richard Kenyon,said: "We as a family as well as our many friends, locals and visitors alike frequently visited the award-winning pub until it was unceremoniously closed in late December 2022.

"The Cross Gaits Inn has operated as a pub for nearly 300 years and as such should be allowed to continue to do so, given that there is significant interest within the local community to ensure that this happens if the necessary due planning process is followed.

"We hope that the momentum which is building against these applications amongst the local communities and visitors to Blacko alike, make the current owner think again about his plans for this pub, and return it to its rightful use as a vibrant community hub and heritage asset."

"The Cross Gaits Inn is as significant a cultural and heritage asset."

Pendle MP Andrew Stephenson said he is “deeply disappointed” by this application and has vowed to “ensure residents’ voice are heard when the application is decided upon.”

He said: “The Cross Gaits is a pub I have eaten and drank in many times over the years and I feel we have lost too many pubs already. 

“Like many Blacko residents I am deeply concerned about the potential loss of the pub, which was listed as an Asset of Community Value (ACV) only a few months ago and has served the village for centuries.

“Although the pub is currently closed, I continue to hope it can be brought back into use for the benefit of Blacko residents.

“We’ve seen places like Trawden how, by coming together, assets such as the local pub can be rescued and play a role at the heart of a village’s community.

“I will be responding to the planning application and working with your local Pendle councillors to ensure residents’ voice are heard when the application is decided upon.”

The plans were submitted earlier this month and have received dozens of comments, the majority of which are against the plans.

One person said: “I strongly object to this application, please don't allow this to go through.

“It's been a historic, thriving public house since the 1800's and it's such a huge part of the community, far and wide.”

Another said: “Another historic British pub cannot be changed into houses for profit. This is our heritage and happens too frequently.

“It is a community asset and is dearly loved by the local community.”

A third said: “The Cross Gaits is an asset to the local community and also a listed building.

“I'm sure someone would love to take the place on as a pub, putting it back into the community if planning permission is rejected.

“It's been there for hundreds of years and is part of village history, please don't let us lose this place.”

At the time of writing, a spokesperson for Blacko Parish Council said it does not object to the application but would prefer it to remain a pub.

They said: “We would have preferred the Cross Gaits to remain a public house, and for that reason an ACV was placed on the property when the last tenants reported they were leaving.

“On a recent visit to the property by the Parish Council, it was obvious that a lot of money would have to be spent to make the property a going concern again.

“The property has now been sold and this planning application has been made and although not our preferred solution, we feel that the application is sympathetic to the building, and the area of Blacko, and one property on the car park would fit in with the rest of the properties on Beverley Road, so the Parish Council do not object to this application.”