ACCRINGTON Stanley manager John Coleman faces an anxious wait to discover the extent of loan defender Kevin Long’s injury.

The Burnley centre-half was forced off in the second half as Stanley beat Cheltenham 2-1.

“We’re going to have to wait and see what the doctor says,” said Coleman.

“His ankle doesn’t look too good. My concern is getting Kevin right and getting him the best treatment.

“Hopefully it won’t be a break and we can move on. He’s a valuable member of the side who is getting better every game.”

Coleman was delighted with the win and the display of Leam Richardson, who smashed home a last-minute volley to give Stanley their three points.

“I think it was a hard-fought game. Cheltenham are a handful and put us under pressure, especially in the second half, and we had to be at our best,” said Coleman.

“I thought we dug in and it was a magnificent performance. The move for the first goal was fantastic and the finish for the second was fantastic.

“It’s a good win but they’ve got to back it up on Tuesday against Shrewsbury.

“If we apply ourselves we can match ourselves against anyone in the league.

“Cheltenham will be up there at the end of the season and why can’t we?”