THE Lancashire Evening's Telegraph's campaign to get fans behind soaring Accrington Stanley was boosted by a home victory and a rise in their attendance.

The team saw its gate rise by almost 700 compared to the average league attendance of 1,500 as more than 2,100 fans turned up to cheer their 1-0 win over Dagenham and Redbridge at the Interlink Express Stadium on Saturday.

And expect to see fans showing their pride in the team which is now 11 points clear at the top of the Nationwide League after all the Evening Telegraph's "We're Backing Stanley!" car stickers were quickly snapped up by supporters.

Welcoming 2,156 supporters chairman Eric Whalley said: "Something has had an effect, because there were only 30-40 from Dagenham.

"The Telegraph campaign has been brilliant exposure for the club.

"We just hope that all those people keep coming back because that would mean I could sleep at night.

"It's amazing the difference it makes to the club's income, so hopefully we can keep it going."

The paper launched its campaign on Friday with a special red Accrington edition urging fans to "Get Behind the Reds".

Supporter Andrew Camm said: "The campaign is superb.

"Every Telegraph in Accrington being red and promoting Accrington Stanley was fantastic and I think it went a long way to helping improve the attendance."

The next home game is against fifth place Morecambe next Monday.

There are then 13 more Conference games, five at home.