Plans for an Independent Football Regulator have been shelved because of the upcoming general election.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that the UK will vote for a new government on July 4, which has thrown plans for the Football Governance Bill in the air.

It would require both the ­Conservative government and Labour opposition to agree to take the bill to “wash-up”. This is where legislation is accelerated before an election in the five working days left before the dissolution of parliament.

An announcement on Thursday will confirm the bills that will be passed into law before the dissolution of the Tory government and the Football Governance Bill has not made the cut. All bills have to be passed through Parliament before May 30.

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As a result, any further developments will be delayed until after the general election. The bill has been described as 'ready-made' for the new government to pick up and enforce by Tracey Crouch MP, who was commissioned to produce the 'Fan-Led Review', which recommended a regulator.

However, it's deemed that there are too many variables still to be ironed out and, as a result, it will not be passed into law before the vote.

The bill has received opposition from The Premier League, who are against outside governance. They, however, have been unable to strike a 'new deal for football' with the EFL for months, which is a pointer that independent regulation is required.

Blackburn Rovers are backing the introduction of a regulator, with Chief Executive Steve Waggott stating: "Blackburn Rovers welcomes the arrival of the Football Governance Bill to Parliament in what we all hope will be an important milestone to help secure the long-term financial sustainability of England’s football pyramid.

“We have been long-time supporters of the bill, attending meetings with the Department of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) and being actively involved in other related discussions and events. 

“I would also like to thank Kate Hollern, MP for Blackburn, who has been tremendously supportive and has assisted, along with many others, in getting the Bill to Parliament. 

"Safeguarding the future of football clubs and ensuring we have a financially robust pyramid are the key issues that must be quickly addressed."