At long last we had nice fine days on both Saturday and Sunday and sweaters could be left in the changing room - that is until the thunderstorm arrived on Sunday, but it appears most games had finished by then.

It is certainly not the place to be out on the middle of a cricket field with thunder and lightning around. The ECB has issued guidance for umpires to follow - they are advised to take everyone off the field if they hear sudden thunder without lightning, see lightning in clouds or hit the ground or the flash to bang is 30 seconds or less.

Players are advised not to waste time covering the pitch and going near metal objects such as covers, machinery or to bunch together or stand under trees. The safest place to be is inside.

The one players and spectators find hard to get their heads round is the fact umpires are advised not to resume play until 30 minutes after the last bang and if in doubt are advised to stay indoors.

Meanwhile, a query was raised by a couple of umpires at a game over the weekend and that was the position of the wicketkeeper at one match.

As the bowler runs in, he takes four or five paces forward. Is this classed as significant movement and therefore not allowed? The batsman is entitled to know how far back the keeper is standing. If the umpires decide it is unfair then they call and signal dead ball.

The keeper is allowed to move forward a few paces for a slower delivery unless it brings him within reach of the wicket, but this was happening when a quick bowler was running in. The keeper can move laterally in response to the direction in which the ball has been delivered and can move in response to the stroke the striker is playing or that his actions support what he intends to play.

Sometimes it is a matter of habit, but keepers need to be aware this law does exist and four or five paces forward while the bowler is running in could be classed as significant movement.