SUMMER is cancelled for Accrington Stanley boss John Coleman.

While others will be looking out their buckets and spades, sun tan lotion and swimming costumes, Coleman, who has been shotr-listed for the April manager of the month award, has revealed he will be plotting Stanley's second season in League Two.

And he will be devising a plan to ensure the relegation tightrope the Reds walked on their return to the Football League is not repeated.

That includes spending time across in Ireland working towards his UEFA A License next month.

Add to that pre-season plans, contract talks with a large proportion of the squad and the recruitment of new players to the club and it's easy to see why Coleman is struggling to find the time for some rest and relaxation.

He said: "I'm doing my UEFA A license in June. I've got to be in Ireland for that so I've not got a lot of time to go on holiday.

"I might go away for a week, but it's hard because we're already planning pre-season and what we're going to do with regards to the games and training schedules.

"You've got to keep your eye on the ball and remain focused.

"I don't want to be in this situation next year and that should be the motivation and that should be the prize for the lads who stay this year, that we don't want to be in this situation again."

Stanley's fate was finally decided on Saturday and a nerve-shredding end to the season.

And although the Reds never really looked safe until the referee blew his final whistle, Coleman said he was confident the team spirit among the players could carry them through to survival.

"I'm really proud and, to be fair, I've been proud of them all season," he said.

"I know we've hit a couple of lows and we've lost a couple of players, had a lot of injuries and had a lot of bad luck with decisions, but through all that the team spirit and their attitude has been first class.

"They've been bubbly in training and it even got to the point where Mangy (Andy Mangan) did the team talk before the game, and that's how relaxed we wanted them."