THE thrills and spills of every single match played by Burnley FC since the club was founded in 1882 have been recorded in a new book.

Club historian Ray Simpson has documented the highs and lows on the pitch for the past 125 years in The Clarets Chronicles.' The book, due for release in October, is touted as the most comprehensive historical and statistical study of the club ever written.

It contains details of every league season, including match results, half-time scores, goalscorers, goal times, attendances, team line-ups and final league tables, along with a two-page narrative for each season.

There is also a section on each pre-league and war-time season, as well as photographs and details on every player, achievements, developments at Turf Moor, the reserves and records against other clubs.

Mr Simpson has teamed up with local writers Edward Lee, Darren Bentley and Phil Simpson to produce the follow-on from his last club history book, Burnley - A Complete Record 1882-1991, which he co-wrote with Mr Lee.

"There's rather more to it than the last book," said Mr Simpson, who has followed Burnley since the 1950s and has collected information on the club for over 40 years.

"The backbone of the book is very much every season, every result and every player."

He added: "Since I've been watching the club I've seen them at the very top of the English game and seen them at the very bottom - at the point of being relegated from the league.

"I think every club goes through its highlights and lowlights and I think Burnley's had as many ups and downs as any club in the time I've been watching.

"This is a book for every fan and every generation that doesn't remember those times, and it's nice for fans to have something to dip into to relive memories."

Burnley chairman Barry Kilby, who helped to launch the Clarets Chronicles at Turf Moor, added: "Ray's done a lot of publications. He is Mr Burnley, and it's a great addition to the package that we've got to celebrate our anniversary."

The book retails at £19.95, but the club is inviting subscribers who many want their name or a personal message printed to collect relevant forms from the club or download them from the official website.