WE'VE been talking about it for so long, but the win's got to come this weekend.

I don't want to put too much pressure on the players, but it's the big one tomorrow - we've got to get three points against Crystal Palace. It's imperative.

Looking at it one way, if we lose two games we are in the mire, but by the same token if we win the next two we are back in the top half of the table and everything's rosier.

I have a good feeling about tomorrow and firmly believe we will get kick-started.

I was reading about West Ham this week and the problems they have down there with the cliques in the dressing room.

Fortunately, that's not a worry Burnley have. Steve Cotterill instils a good dressing room spirit. There's still a buzz about the place, from the chairman right down to the washing lady.

It was good to hear that Jon Harley reacted so well to being named on the bench last week.

One of the problems he's had at left back is that there hasn't really been anybody to put his place under threat until recently, apart from perhaps Graham Branch. But having seen Chris McCann play so well there it will, in turn, make Jon play better.

Crystal Palace come to Turf Moor having come out of their own bad patch.

They struggled before Christmas, but that's been the Championship all over this season. Before Roy Keane took over at Sunderland they were second bottom, now they're fourth top.

Teams go on runs, and Burnley are certainly due a good one.

It is the same for the strikers. You go through spells where you can't score goals. Going back to the mid-sixties, I scored four goals against Manchester United around Christmas time. Before that, I'd only scored four all season, but finished with 28!

You've just got to battle away and do extra work in training and make sure your fitness is there, but the biggest thing is putting the ball in the net.

Ade Akinbiyi and Andy Gray will come good. Hopefully, tomorrow will be D-Day. Or should that be Ade-Day?