BLACKBURN Rovers defender Andre Ooijer will be out for three months after an X-ray confirmed he broke his leg during Saturday's 3-0 win at Manchester City.

Ooijer had an operation last night to repair the break and some ligament damage and he's expected to be out until April, at least.

The incident happened when Ooijer fell awkwardly after City striker Bernardo Corradi accidentally fell into him as the pair contested a 32nd minute corner.

The Dutch international was clearly in considerable pain and, after lengthy treatment by the side of the pitch, he was eventually taken away on a stretcher.

His father-in-law, Willy van de Kerkhof, later told Dutch TV that Ooijer had broken his fibula and torn ankle ligaments.

"I spoke with Andre on the phone and he was very down, though this injury will not end his career," he said.

The loss of Ooijer is a hammer blow to manager Mark Hughes.

The Rovers boss said: "The one downside (of our victory) is the injury to Andre.

"We are hoping to welcome back Ryan Nelsen within the next 10 to 14 days, so maybe that will compensate for the loss of Andre."