AS I sit here writing this, the long green fields that I gaze upon through my big window are sun strewn and full of lovely golden buttercups.

But as I know from past experience soon they will all be gone as they are almost ready for the chop, the farmer will appear atop his big tractor and the wild looking field will, in a matter of hours, be almost as neat as a lawn.

The sheep will be back to graze and so the cycle continues.

It’s the same thing in most of parts of our lives — we have a pattern, a rhythm, not always noticed, not always planned but it is there nevertheless.

I suppose it’s because we are by nature creatures of habit.

Oh I know we don’t like to admit it, we like to think we are impulsive, a bit wild maybe, but no, underneath we are all mainly conservative creatures who follow a pattern that we have set for ourselves over the years.

It’s the same with most aspects of our lives — take TV, we like certain programmes and don’t want to miss them, we shop at the same shops, oh yes there’s no getting away from it, we like, no enjoy routine.

I suppose that’s because it gives us a feeling of security, of continuity, and I think it’s that, that makes us feel safe, though safe from what I’m not sure.

I’m drinking a cup of coffee that’s lovely milky and sweet, and I’m thinking how is it that I like my coffee sweet when I hate any sign of sugar in my tea, and when I come to think of it I recall that I used to endeavour to find the tea stiff with sugar, until I joined Weight Watchers many years ago.

I wonder is Weight Watchers still going? Oh the embarrassment of being weighed in public, especially when you weighed more than you did last week.

Yes! Yes! I know that I am being soft but I have a bad cold, not just a sniffle but a full blown chesty, coughy, runny nosed one, and it gives me that feeling ‘that nobody loves me’ meanwhile I am trying to find the strength to sort out the tidy hole, you know that room where you put all that stuff which you are going to sort out ‘tomorrow’.