I AM trying to get my head round the fact that America is in financial crisis.

America! The land of dreams, the Mecca of the capitalist world, with Hollywood, ultimate glamour and top dollar security.

This is something I find rather worrying, for America is the big western bastion and to find that it’s falling into the same malaise as we are in Europe has made me feel more than a little afraid, though what exactly of, I’m not too sure.

Here, out shopping, I have noticed the tightening of belts and savings and economies that people, even those not too short of money, are making.

It’s taken quite a time for us to realise the seriousness of the situation our country is in.

There are certainly fewer cars on the roads at weekends and people I know in business are saying that things are a bit tight.

But, on the upside, charity shops and jumble sales are doing really well!

If we are to rise again, strong and free, we must be resolute, rid the country of this namby pamby attitude.

We must put our own interests first, accept we’re broke, cannot afford hangers-on, cannot afford to dole out huge sums of money to other countries, the work shy or meaningless committees.

The waste of our money is endless and must stop now, so we can once again hold our heads high.