EAST Lancashire traditionally prides itself on its close-knit communities.

In recent years, it is often said, that neighbourhood ties are not as close as they used to be.

That may be the case in many respects.

But the sheer number of royal wedding street parties planned in East Lancashire shows that the community spirit is still alive and kicking.

At present, 71 events are planned, with residents coming together to celebrate the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton next Friday.

The scenes on these streets will be a real throwback to days gone by with bunting and trestle tables filled with food, and drink lining the centre of roads.

It is important to stress this will not be a typical sight across the country.

For example, only one party is planned in Cumbria, while the whole of Winchester and Staffordshire combined are hosting the same number as our eastern part of Lancashire.

The reason for the fervour in these parts is not entirely clear.

It could be that there remains much pride in royalty.

Or more likely it just proves that East Lancashire folk have a great sense of community and know how to enjoy life to the full.