Language is the key to everything. If we can’t speak it then at least we should be able to write it.

I may not be the world’s best speller, but I think we have a generation who simply don’t want to write full words anymore.

It all began with using the ‘u’ instead of ‘you’.

Things kind of degenerated from there.

While people can write texts in seconds, I find myself having to type out whole sentences.

Okay, it may not be the cool thing to do, but I can’t do it any other way.

From the emails I receive I have realised people actually think that words like ‘sumthing’ and ‘ur’ are now spelt that way? Or am I being completely paranoid?

After getting a text, I normally have to sit there and try to decipher it.

They might as well have written it in a foreign language as far as I am concerned and many a times I reply and ask them to write it in ‘proper English’.

It can’t be that hard can it? Or is this just a way of making your life more complex than it already is?

For a while, I felt embarrassed asking people what on earth ‘m8’ was.

Why would you put a letter and a number together to make a word? It simply doesn’t make sense.

I later found out it meant ‘mate’ and you could also spell great (gr8) that way.

And where on earth is it so important to say ‘lol’.

I hate ‘lol’ and have done so for a long time. I have never used the term ‘lol’ in a text and don’t think I ever will.

But almost every third email and text has the word ‘lol’ at the end or the beginning.

What is wrong with saying ‘ha ha’. At least you actually make the sound of what you are in fact referring too?

But the mother of disgraces is the smiley face. I still haven’t figured out how to do that. And I don’t think I really want too.